What if your personal spiritual practice of gratitude could impact thousands of people in life-giving ways? Through the United Thank Offering (UTO) ministry of the Episcopal Church, you are invited to embrace and deepen your spiritual discipline of Gratitude during the season of Lent. Here's how it works:
Notice the good things that happen each day.
Give thanks to God for your blessings.
Make an offering for each blessing using the UTO Blue Box.
Your blessing becomes a blessing to others.
ALL of the offerings - 100% - will be used to support innovative mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.
On May 5th we’ll ask everyone to bring their UTO donations to church where they will be blessed before being sent in. UTO is a ministry of the Episcopal Church Women, but each man, woman and child is invited - welcome - to participate! Last year, UTO received $1M from others' gratitude and generosity; but UTO received almost $2.6M in requests for grants. Important ministries in the Episcopal Church receive grants of support. You can learn more at