Give life
Give Blood
Saint Anne's is teaming up with Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Jewish War Veterans Post 112, Fulton Lodge No 216 F.& A.M., Congregations Shearith Israel and Or VeShalom to sponsor a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross on Sunday, February 2 from 9am until 2pm at Ahavath Achim Synagogue (600 Peachtree Battle Ave, NW, 30327).
Blood saves lives and there is no synthetic blood so only people like us can donate life-saving blood. Please schedule an appointment today to donate blood at our February 2 Blood Drive. Just go to and enter code JWV into the "Find a Drive" module at the top right to schedule an appointment.
The need is so great, please consider becoming a quarterly donor - we have dates already on the calendar: May 4, August 3, and November 2.